Tuesday 24 April 2012

Timescale for my FMP

This is the timescale I will be sticking to through my final major project. -- Week 1 - 16th - 20th April Unfortunately I was off ill - I used this time to complete my essay. Week 2 - 23rd - 28th April I will be carrying out artist research, doing initial sketches from the information I find. Use Wednesday and Friday to do one day projects - 'make a piece of jewellery from every day objects' - maybe make a couple each day. Thursday I will be attending a metal workshop. Week 3 - 30th April - 4th May Carry on making prototypes, these will be less detailed than ones done in week 2 because I will be making more, therefore having less time on each one made. After seeing what works, I will develop sketches, realise mistakes and rectify them. By the end of the week, I will start making prototypes with the material/s I will be using for the final piece. Week 4 - 7th - 12th May Look at all the prototypes and sketches from weeks 2 and 3. Use these to finalise ideas, designs and materials. Week 5 - 14th - 18th May Start making! Start with the making of the base. Week 6 - 21st - 25th May Add the extra details. Week 7 - 28th - 1st June Final touches to jewellery.

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