Tuesday 24 April 2012

Timescale for my FMP

This is the timescale I will be sticking to through my final major project. -- Week 1 - 16th - 20th April Unfortunately I was off ill - I used this time to complete my essay. Week 2 - 23rd - 28th April I will be carrying out artist research, doing initial sketches from the information I find. Use Wednesday and Friday to do one day projects - 'make a piece of jewellery from every day objects' - maybe make a couple each day. Thursday I will be attending a metal workshop. Week 3 - 30th April - 4th May Carry on making prototypes, these will be less detailed than ones done in week 2 because I will be making more, therefore having less time on each one made. After seeing what works, I will develop sketches, realise mistakes and rectify them. By the end of the week, I will start making prototypes with the material/s I will be using for the final piece. Week 4 - 7th - 12th May Look at all the prototypes and sketches from weeks 2 and 3. Use these to finalise ideas, designs and materials. Week 5 - 14th - 18th May Start making! Start with the making of the base. Week 6 - 21st - 25th May Add the extra details. Week 7 - 28th - 1st June Final touches to jewellery.

First day back..

Finally starting up my Blog. This blog will record my journey through my final project, showing discarded ideas and ones I am hoping to develop.

My idea came after studying attraction in A-level psychology. We studied how tribal women choose to decorate themselves with jewellery, in order to make themselves to be percieved as being more beautiful. This ultimately lead me to challenge myself to design and make some of my own. I will be designing these pieces, making them resemble the ‘typical’ pieces of tribal jewellery, however I will be putting my own twist on it, making them my own. I would like to make something which would be a ‘keepsake’ and a piece of jewellery which would hold memories, even if someone was to buy it brand new. This project will be more about the making of the pieces of jewellery rather than the designing of them. Therefore it will be more about the structure of the pieces, rather than the decorative element which will make the pieces look roughly made, resulting in them looking more authentic.

Influences, Research, Sources and Idea
I will be focusing on the tribal tradition that women dramatically change they way look physically, to make themselves more attractive to men, continuously in competition with other females. The idea that a piece of jewellery could be used to influence how attractive women are perceived as being, obviously shows how important jewellery is in their culture. This makes me eager to create something which has equal importance. I will be revising psychologist’s studies about attraction and gathering a variety of information, using the results to make my designs unique, but still logical. I will also do some research into what people find attractive in the others to make it applicable to a wide range of people.